Operation Research Syllabus

Stages of Development of Operations Research, Applications of Operations Research, Limitations of Operations, Introduction to Linear Programming, Graphical Method, Simplex Method, Duality.
Transportation Problem, Assignment Problem, Inventory Control – Introduction to Inventory Management, Basic Deterministic Models, Purchase Models, Manufacturing Models without Shortages and with Shortages.
Shortest Path Problem, Floyd’s Algorithm, Minimum Spanning Tree Problem, CPM/PERT, Crashing of a Project network.
Dynamic Programming, Capital Budgeting Problem, Shortest Path Problem, Reliability Problem, Optimal subdividing problems. Game Theory: Two Person Zero-sum Games, Graphical Solution of (2 × n) and (m × 2) Games.
Introduction to Queuing Theory, Basic Waiting Line Models: (M/M/1) :(GD/α/α), (M/M/1):(GD/N/α), (M/M/C):(GD/α/α), (M/M/C):(GD/N/α), Introduction to queuing system simulation – Introduction to Basic Replacement Analysis: Economic Life of an Asset.