Pondicherry University BE Syllabus

UNIT-I: Economic Environment
• External and Internal Environment
• PEST / PESTEL Analysis
• Environmental Analysis – Scanning, Monitoring, Forecasting and Assessing the Current and Future Environmental Changes.
• Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization of Economy.
• Social, Political and Economic Consequences of globalization.
• Structure of the Economy, Inflation and GDP
UNIT-II: Political and Legal Environment
• Democracy, Political Diversity, Politics and Markets
• Bureaucracy, Corruption Level, Societal Outlook and Orientation
• Roles of Government:
a) Regulatory Role – Fiscal, Monetary and Industrial Policies, Tax Policies,
Education and Employment Laws
b) Promotional Role
c) Entrepreneurial Role
d) Planning Role
UNIT-III: Socio-Cultural Environment
• Population & its Growth Rate, Education Levels, Age Distribution and Life Expectancy Rates
• Family Size and Structures, Gender Distribution, Religion, Nationality and Beliefs and Minorities
• Social classes and Lifestyle, Average Disposable Income
• Attitude towards Product Quality and Customer Service, Buying Habits, Environmental Consciousness, Work and Leisure, Health Consciousness, Risk Taking Ability.
UNIT-IV: Technological Environment
• Basic Infrastructure Level – Energy, Transport, Communication, Science and Technology.
• Research and Development, Product and Process Innovation, Rate of
Technological Change and Penetration Levels, Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
• Technological Leadership and Followers, Technology and Competitive Advantage, Time Lags in Technology Introduction, Adaptation, Transfer of Technology
• Internet Infrastructure
UNIT-V: Global Environment
• International Relations – MNCs
• World Trade Organization, Competition
• FDI, FPI, Special Economic Zone
• Environmental Issues
• Outsourcing and Collaboration
• Sustainable Development